Algorithmic Trading | Analytics
HashOne is a market advisor for blockchain companies. We partner with exchanges and cryptocurrency issuers to provide them with a full suite of services including Algorithmic Trading and Market Analytics. Our global team includes experienced portfolio managers, traders, developers, and marketers from top investment banks and hedge funds.
We use proven methodologies and a full suite of analytics tools to partner with exchanges and cryptocurrency providers and assist them in their market needs.
As the digital asset market matures, electronic trading becomes an essential requirement when executing trades for large quantities. We have developed a variety of execution algorithms that connect our client to any exchanges and give them Direct Market Access (DMA). Our clients can choose to use low-touch or high-touch execution service that best satisfies their needs.
The cryptocurrency market is changing by the minute. This dynamic environment presents an abundance of opportunities, as well as risks. We provide analytics tools and advisory services for our clients to help them assess the market and how it will affect their positions.
We are a team of former portfolio managers, traders, and software developers with an average of 10-15 years of experience at top investment banks and hedge funds. The rapid growth of digital assets has caused a demand of more sophisticated trading systems, liquidity requirements, and market analysis from both exchanges and cryptocurrency providers. With our background in both finance and technology, we aim to provide top level experience with proven solutions to this new and growing asset class.